[崔琦实验室学术报告会] 低维电子系统的量子输运
9:00- 9:10    Welcome / Introduction
9:10-10:00    杜瑞瑞,上海大学崔琦实验室/美国Rice大学物理系
                     Creating novel quantum phases in InAs/GaSb bilayers
10:00-10:50   万   歆,浙江大学物理系
                     Tunneling at the edge of a fractional quantum Hall liquid
10:50-11:00   休   息
11:00-11:50   林   熙,上海大学崔琦实验室
                      Breakdown of the integer and fractional quantum Hall     
                      states in a quantum point contact
14:00-14:50   吕   力,欧陆平台崔琦实验室
                      Anomalous Cooper pair interference on Bi2Te3 surface
14:50-15:40   张   弛,上海大学崔琦实验室
                      Observation of weakly pinned Wigner solid-FQHE liquid
                      phase transition in the two-dimensional hole system
15:40-15:50   休   息
15:50-16:40   刘广同,欧陆平台崔琦实验室
                       Observation of an even-odd anisotropic transport of
                       two-dimensional electrons in high Landau levels